Articles on: Start Here: RealT Guide

How are properties managed?

RealT outsources Property Management to local professionals.  Of course, we still carefully monitor and care for each of the properties owned by the Token Holders. The property management companies that RealT uses are responsible for renting the property, collecting rental income, and maintaining or repairing the property. Costs associated with property management and maintenance are taken out of the rental income paid to RealToken holders. 

We have chosen to outsource the Property Management for two reasons:

It frees up efforts to focus on RealT itself, Property Management is a very time intensive activity.
We intend to offer properties throughout the US and various countries as we grow.

However, we continuously monitor all aspects of the properties, from rent and rental rates, to physical conditions, renovations, code compliance, and even landscaping improvements when strategic.

Our team of highly experienced real estate investors carefully curate real estate opportunities in the US for RealT’s customers to invest in. Properties will range from large apartment buildings in popular areas to low-cost single-family homes, all with high rental rates. Each has been renovated, brought up to code, taxes and utilities paid up to date and rented to suitable tenants. View our inventory to get started!

What happens if the tenant does not pay rent?

RealToken holders are only paid when rent is collected. If rent is not collected from the tenant, then there is no rent to send out to token holders.

However, in the event that a tenant does not pay rent, the property management company is also not paid for their services. The property management company is only paid for the months that there is a tenant in the property.

If a tenant is delinquent on their rent, they will be evicted from the property and replaced with a more creditworthy tenant.

Is the RealT platform only for residential property?

RealT has chosen residential family properties to start due to their attractiveness for international investors.

However, RealT works equally well for all types of property! RealT is currently working on adding commercial properties, along with hotels and office complexes, in order to generate a more diverse set of offerings to our customers.

Additionally, RealT has the opportunity to include other types of real estate and non-real estate assets. Loans, mortgages, and high-value art are all potential assets able to be tokenized through RealT.

Updated on: 23/07/2024