Articles on: Blockchain How-To

Sending your RealTokens back to RealT using the mobile RealT Wallet

Requirements : We are going to assume that you already have created a sell order on the platform and we have accepted it so now is the time to send your RealTokens back.

Whether you're using the RealT Wallet, Metamask or any other compatible wallets your RealTokens must be returned. Any transaction must be paid on the blockchain, it will be necessary that you have either Ether or XDAI in your wallet.

Faucet for xDai here.

Buy Ether or xDai here.

1- From your wallet, please select the RealToken you wish to sell and tap on it then tap on the button SEND.

2- Enter the address of destination which can be found for each RealToken on your RealT account directly from the "Sell Tokens" section.

As you can see I've entered the right quantity of RealTokens as well as the address to send the RealTokens to. Do no forget to enter the correct quantity as it's a common mistake to leave it a 0.

3- Now we need to take care of the 2 settings available the Gas Price (GWEI) and the Gas Limit.

To do so, tap on ADVANCED and it will display both of them. We're not going to go into too much details so use the below settings but note that this example is taken for Gnosis Chain, if you're doing the same thing from the Ethereum blockchain the GWEI and Gas Limit will be different.

4- Congratulations you have completed a transaction on the blockchain but we need one more thing: The transaction hash. Back to your wallet you can click on ACTIVITY the transaction on top should be the one you just did. You can tap on the latest update which is called CONTRACT CALL and copy the Transaction ID as per below:

Now that you have copied it you can paste it. From your RealT account click on "Sell Tokens" paste the hash and click on SAVE.

The process is now completed, the Customer Support Team will review the transaction and confirm it. Once confirmed we will make sure to pay you on either your Ethereum or Gnosis Chain address entered on your account in USDC within 10 business days.

Updated on: 05/07/2024